Nitrogen Oxide Emissions As a Major Threat to Our Ozone Layer


Nitrogen oxide which is a combination of oxygen and nitrogen is one of the most important contribute to air pollution. It is very harmful to human beings and plays a major role in depleting the ozone layer of the atmosphere. As many factories use coal plants for producing energy and power, nitrogen oxide is emitted in large quantities. It is even formed by the engine combustion of motor vehicles. The main impacts of nitrogen oxide emissions are global warming, acid rains, toxic chemicals in the atmosphere and it has an adverse effect in the growth of plants. Nitrogen oxide emissions in small quantities can initiate symptoms of nausea and eye or nose irritations and can even cause shortness of breath too. Inhaling larger amounts of nitrogen oxide can lead to fluid build-up in the lungs and burning spasms.
Along with problems in respiration, it can even be a cause of visual impairment also. So it is very important to take the right precautions to save yourselves and the community from the harmful impact of nitrogen oxide emissions. If every human decides to put in his best to save the world from pollution, it will definitely work wonders. It is impossible to stop vehicles from running our factories to stop functioning. Even then a little care and self-control can help each one of us put in their best to save the world and give better living conditions for generations to come. Options like car pool is a good choice as it can drastically reduce the nitrogen oxide emissions from motor vehicles. Power sources that are non-polluting can be used. Smoke from cigarettes is another contributing factor; hence the decision to quit smoking will save yourselves as well as the community.
If the pollution is on a larger scale, it is better to go in for products that help in controlling nitrogen oxide in the air. Specially, manufactured design and advanced technologies help with treatments of these poisonous gases emitted and controls the impact of these gases in the atmosphere. Today there are a lot of technologies that are developed to control NOx. It can be done with combustion modification where air and fuel are mixed and the temperature reduced by this process. In post combustion, it is converted in the boiler and nitrogen is inserted. So for larger industries like chemical plants, marine vessels, diesel engines, oil refineries, power plants, and paper mills where it is emitted in large quantities, it is ideal to install technology for combustion control to reduce Nox. Now a day's low NOx burners are available and it enables to cope up with the present regulatory requirements.
Tomorrow the rules and regulations may get even stricter, keeping in mind the condition of world today, it is better to go in for excellent quality nitrogen oxide emissions control system. Natural gas re-burning also helps in reducing NOx in the air. It is wise to follow all the rules and regulations as per the NOx RACT, so as to provide a healthy world with good air to breathe. So let us all stand hand in hand to bid a grand farewell to the smog which has been our uninvited guest and we were the main culprits who welcomed them to our atmosphere.

Cleaners Products And The Environment


Expert Author Jerry Saddington
When we use cleaners in our houses and offices we rarely give a thought to the products we are actually using. We simply want a clean, hygienic space in which to live and work. The products we use, however, are having a long-term impact on the environment that many people are largely unaware of.
Chemical cleaners are designed to kill germs and organisms, that's how they get rid of the grease, grime and smells. The trouble is that a proportion of the chemicals is rinsed away down drains and plugs, and whilst the amounts may seem trivial to individuals, the accumulated waste coming out of the drainage systems of towns and cities presents a significant and long-term hazard. The waste finds its way in to rivers, lakes and in to the water table, where it affects the plants and animal life it comes in to contact with.
There are several chemicals used in cleaners that are creating this ill effect, notably Ammonia and 2-butoxyethanol (EGBE), whose effects include:
Excessive ammonia causes the rate at which the cells in plants progress to accelerate. This means that plants grow and decay more quickly than they should, resulting in unnatural growth phases. The plants that can cope best with this are weeds, which then supplant other types and dominate the area. In farming areas this can have a devastating effect on crops, and in wild areas throw the eco-system out of balance as animals and insects that rely on the plants are also displaced.
Too much ammonia creates very acidic soil, which is poisonous to many plant species and also results in the collapse of local eco-systems.
Affects animal life as the chemicals have been shown to be endocrine disruptors. Simply put, the endocrine system carries important fluids around a body, and when it fails to work properly the body does not develop and function as it should. This is seen particularly in reproductive organs, with the result of more deformed offspring and a decline in birth rates of all forms of animals, including fish and mammals. In severe cases of pollution this can devastate entire eco-systems in the affected areas.
Whilst the short life span of EGBEs as an active chemical mean it has a much smaller effect on the environment, large accumulations and regular exposure to creatures in the affected areas have resulted in a significant increase in cancers in those animal populations.
Interestingly, one of the greatest environmental hazards comes not from the cleaning products themselves, but the packaging they come in. The plastic that can withstand the corrosive effects of the stronger cleaners contains molecules known as Phthalates. This molecule is known to affect the reproductive systems of animals and lead to abnormalities in offspring. It does not bind easily to the other components of plastic, so has a marked tendency to leach out over time. They are then released in to the environment along with the cleaning product itself. This is also a concern for people who regularly handle the containers and is a good reason for wearing gloves and masks when doing so. Old drums and containers are often used by farmers for livestock feed, and in this way phthalates can enter the food chain, presenting yet more hazards.
A growing consumer awareness of the polluting effect of many of the everyday cleaners we take for granted has led to a growing call to use "Green" cleaners. These are cleaning products that don't have the same detrimental effect on the environment, and are based mainly on lemon juice, vinegar and caustic soda. The more benign nature of the products means alternative plastics can also be used in the packaging, removing that particular hazard as well.
Brighton Cleaners are a Brighton based office cleaning company with a wealth of experience to share to help you keep your workspace clean and in top condition. Click on the link to find out more:

Easy Steps to Green Living


A clean and sustainable future is possible but we have to change a lot of things in our lives. The way we live is actually causing all these negative changes to our environment and the effects are dire. Climate change, extinct species, carbon credits, and pollution might seem like words coming from a TV screen but they are facts and we caused all this ourselves with our reckless ways. If you are new to green living then probably you have no idea what to do. For starters, you can try to follow these easy steps.
1. Get a bike
The bicycle is probably the most efficient form of transportation in creation. And the only thing it runs on is will power... and calories. If life commuting can fit your lifestyle then this is definitely a step you should consider. Paying for a brand new bike might seem like a huge investment right now but in time it will pay for itself from money saved for gas and/or public transportation. Not only that but you exercise - any form of exercising adds years to your life. Having a bike doesn't mean that you have to forget about your car entirely but using it for short errands will prove to be very efficient.
2. Tune-up your car annually
It might sound pricey to fully tune-up your car but it is actually a good investment... and nobody said that leading a green life is easy - the right choice is always the hardest. You can actually save money and fuel like this. For instance, a faulty oxygen sensor can penalize your car up to three miles per gallon. Or dirty air filters and worn out spark plugs can cost you another four miles per gallon. In the end, it all adds up and that is why you should give your vehicle the attention it requires. While you are at it, check that fuel cap as well. A loose cap is needlessly venting gasoline vapour, both costing you two miles per gallon and polluting the atmosphere.
3. Be smart about your driving
As part of your new green lifestyle, keeping your tires properly inflated is important not just from a safety point of view - you can also save gas this way. You can also use your cruise control on the highway for up to 15% improvement in mileage. Also, not driving so aggressively is another way to save fuel. Remember to accelerate out of lights gently and avoid rapid braking - always drive as fast as you must. Also, if your car starts reliably just shut it down at long red lights - turning your engine rather than idling excessively can make a huge difference.
4. Save water
There are many ways to save water, you just have to be creative about it. For instance, the simplest thing to do is to get yourself a low-flow shower head with a shut-off valve. Replacing an old-style shower head with a new model takes about 15 minutes. This way, not only that you save water but you save energy as well since less heat is needed. The benefits of this small change are not so small at all - statistics show that water heaters account for about 22 to 25% of domestic usage of energy. You will put some money back in your wallet annually and use minimum water.
5. Unplug idle electronics and appliances
You probably think that your cellphone charger is not drawing energy just because your phone is not connected to it but you're wrong. A TV can draw half the power it needs when turned on just by being plugged in. Moral of the story is: don't just turn things off, unplug them as well. A household can save a good amount of money annually just by pulling the plug of idle appliances and electronics.
6. Products to avoid
Another good way to embrace lighter living is to moderate your consumption. You can dramatically reduce the damage inflicted upon our environment by avoiding some (if not all) of these products:
- Polystyrene foam - it is recyclable but most of it is discarded to the wilderness and landfills. Being made of petroleum, this is a non-renewable resource. Avoid using it whenever possible or recycle it.
- Tropical hardwood - it is beautiful, luxurious, and long lasting... also, thousands of trees are being chopped down each year... if not millions. Worldwide demand has triggered the irresponsible harvesting of tropical trees, resulting in the destruction of wildlife and biodiversity.
- Over-packaged groceries - You buy a box of cookies, full of small packages of cookies... well, that's redundant. Do not support such manufacturers by purchasing their goods.
- Paper towels, wet wipes, napkins - Sure, cleaning a mess is easier with paper towels but nothing is stopping you from using an old cloth instead. Paper is actually recyclable if managed properly but most of it is wasted resulting in more chopped trees for new paper.
7. Choose green cleaning. Commercial cleaning products are well-known for their negative effects on both human health and the environment. Research shows that chemicals found manufactured cleaning products can induce various diseases including cancers. Vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice - there are a lot of household products you can use to sanitize your home and you can entirely forget about commercial cleaners. If you don't have the time to clean your home on your own, you can always order professional cleaning services. Companies such as cleaners Barking use only products that are eco-friendly.

The Air Quality Health Effects on Personal Health


There is a very close relationship between the air that we inhale and our health. Air quality health effects vary from good to bad depending on where one lives. It has been established that most people will be healthier if they live in areas that experience little or no emissions at all. The emission of the greenhouse gases and other pollutants causes respiratory problems and other serious diseases.
Here, we shall look at a few very serious air quality health effects caused by pollution.
The air that the victim breathes can provoke an attack of asthma. It is a very serious condition and if medication and care is not applied immediately, it can turn out badly for the victim. Asthmatic people who live in areas that are prone to pollution are more likely to have attacks. Among some of the most popular triggers include smoke, some chemical compounds, dust and mites.
CO poisoning
This is one of the causes of silent deaths. Carbon Monoxide gas is odorless and colorless. If someone breathes this in a room with no ventilation, they will simply slip away, dead. This gas mostly comes from vehicle engines and from lanterns, burning wood fires and coals. It is very important that one stay in a well ventilated room if they intend to use any of the above. CO poisoning is one of the serious air quality health effects and it causes death.
Autism continues to generate a lot of debate, and it has been established that air pollution increases the risk of autism. In a disease carried out by CDC, it was established that mothers who live in areas that have heavy air pollution in their pregnancy and in the early days of infancy, they are more likely to give birth to autistic children.
People who live near highways will inhale more emission gases than people who live in the countryside.
Skin conditions
These are more likely to be caused by smog and the effects of the greenhouse effects. It has been established that people who live in cities that experience an overhang of smog will be more likely to experience irritation on their skin and other infections. This is a further demonstration that air quality health effects can be negative if the air is much polluted, and they can also be good if the air inhaled is of good quality.
The relationship between bad health and the air quality health effects is well established. Many diseases occur directly because of air pollution while others occur indirectly from the long term causes of air pollution. For example, skin cancer can also be linked to air pollution. Air pollutants cause the depletion of the ozone layer, which renders it impossible to prevent the entry of the ultra violet rays of the sun. The UV rays are responsible for many cancer cases, and that is perhaps why cancer cases have been on the rise lately.
Some of the diseases can be short terms, and others can be long term. For example, most lung conditions caused by poor air quality health effects will be long term.
You can find more information on Air Quality Health effects at